Body Frequencies

Frequency - definition

"the number of occurrences of a repeating current flow per second"

The subject of body frequencies is little known and/or studied and understood by modern western science.

Body Frequencies:

Feeling great... on top of the world... or down, exhausted and sick...

High or low frequencies?

In my experience, our health, clarity of mind and also our mood and inner balance, depend very strongly, on the frequencies we are exposed to, or take into our body, by ways of food.

So much depends on our 
Body Frequencies...

Skeptics refer to body frequencies and body bio-field, as some form of new-age charlatanism.

I find the topic of body frequencies most interesting. I cannot prove any of the statements, using measuring instrument.

We live in a world of frequencies, and I have come to the conclusion that our body is part of this world and has its frequencies, too.

I recommend reading a very interesting summary on this topic: "Measurement of the Human Biofield and Other Energetic Instruments" by Ms. Beverly Rubik, PhD.

I am not trying to convince anyone that what I say is true. It is my personal experience.

The world of frequencies

Living in a world of frequencies and vibration... or energy... we are part of the whole system. Every cell of our body vibrates – everything has its optimal frequency - 

Optimal frequency is when all is in order - when we are in balance, our vibration is in unison with the law of vibration - when we are in tune and each cell of our body vibrates at the frequency it was designed to... there is no effort, no conflict.

Our thoughts are vibrations, too – we can change our perception by changing our frequency. Our thoughts make up our personal world.

It is so difficult to live with depression, headaches or chronic fatigue...

The good news:

We can actively make changes... a great place to start is to question our thoughts and beliefs... question the concepts we live by.

See also: Philosophy of life and of course the wonderful Work of Byron Katie.

When we look at our health conditions - from an energy point of view - we can feel the imbalance and disharmony... and by re-balancing our frequencies - we have the power to improve our situation.

The state of ‘balance’ can be achieved when the cells, the body, the mind are at their natural frequency.

How do we know if we are at the "right" frequency?

We feel good.

This is the measure for me.

When we are in our natural state, and when there is no need of any part of our being to cope with trying to compensate and over-ride a frequency, not natural to us.

When we are in harmony with the natural frequencies, we are a harmonious part of the whole.

A healthy cell has a certain frequency; a healthy mind is at just the right frequency, too.

Our health can be greatly affected by high or low frequencies within the body. We can manipulate and change the frequencies, and become balanced and prevent, treat, or even cure dis-eases.

Frequency Range

The frequency in a healthy person is higher than in someone who is not.

Laughter raises our frequencies! Happy people have higher frequencies, and for this reason are less prone to disease.

The food we eat, affects our body frequencies as well.

Healthy Frequencies in the Human Body

There are many ways to change our body frequencies and raise them to a healthy level.

* We can eat healthy food. Eat 'life promoting food' such as fruits and vegetables... and try adding nutrients to our diet. Read more...

* We can detox our bodies and consume less harmful 'food' (we are so addicted to).

Read about: Detox, Addictions, Harmful food...

* We can balance our body meridians and chakra centers and use Acu-pressure and other energy healing methods.

* Exercise, too, will raise our body frequencies. Try the five Tibetan rites exercises...

* Or apply the harmonious frequencies with the help of tuning forks... frequencies applied...

body frequencies

Recommended Reading

Some very interesting information on the use of frequencies for treatment of disease...

A physicist's view of Dr. Rife's non-drug treatment and cure of microbial associated diseases. 

by Gary Wade

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The information on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition.