Fasting Diet

Natural Healing through Fasting...

Hippocrates on Fasting Diet...

"Everyone has a doctor in him; we just have to help him in his work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well... to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness."

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Our bodies naturally detoxify every day, as part of normal body processes. The feeling we know as 'hunger' comes from a state of detox. The body eliminates toxins, this elevates the acidity in our blood (acidosis) - and we feel hungry.

Fasting and Detox Diets help the body optimize basic automatic functions of eliminating and neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin.

The longer the interval from one meal to the next meal, the deeper the body reaches to get rid of stored toxins.

Book Synopsis

"Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease" offers precise diet and fasting programs to relieve headache, hypoglycemia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colitis, psoriasis, lupus, and uterine fibrosis. You'll also learn: - How to use fasting to lose weight- How to start, what to expect, how to reintroduce food to maintain maximum benefits- How to work with a physician for longer fasts (more than 3 days)

Explains how fasting and the change to a natural diet can renew health, how and why fasting works, and specific dietary and fasting programs for overcoming chronic diseases.

Precise diet and fasting programs to relieve headache, hypoglycemia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colitis, psoriasis, lupus, and uterine fibrosis. Using fasting to lose weight How to start, what to expect, how to reintroduce food to maintain maximum benefits How to work with a physician for longer fasts (more than 3 days).

Why Fast?

I did my first prolonged water fast at the age of 18. I fasted for 21 days. I was interested in holistic healing and I wanted to see for myself how this would affect me, my overall well-being and health. Fasting diet

It was a great experience.

I found that fasting not only clears my body, but also my thoughts. It gives me the time-out in life, to focus and re-evaluate my path. 

I have learned to love it! I find that a prolonged water fast is the most efficient way to heal and detox the body. The problem with prolonged fasting is, that we may want to step out of our regular routines... 

I have learned different ways of fasting... each one appropriate for certain times and situations.

I may choose to detox through my diet... the Raw Food Diet and Juice Fasting are great for detox... and these are easily integrated into my daily routine.

Alternate day fasting or Intermittent Fasting can become part of the daily routine, as well.

You can try different fasting and detox techniques and see how you feel, and adjust them to your personal life style. 

Why go through the trouble?

Most people I speak to about fasting and detox, react very strongly. How could one stop eating? Why would we do such a thing? By choice?

There often is a misconception, a common belief that fasting might harm us, or that it is starvation. Education helps to quiet the mind and go forward and work with this option.

I can understand the reaction... but I can also assure you, that fasting and detox might 'grow' on you. It is hard to explain... but the results are just great and you feel light and renewed after a fast.

A great side effect is, that you will rid yourself of all the attachments and addictions... yes, I think most people are addicted to something... Fasting gives us the opportunity to just stop! Let things be and rest. 

Our lives have become polluted... not only by our environment but also our pace. We are pressured for time and stressed with daily chores. With the pollution found in the air, water and the food we eat, our bodies have a hard time keeping up. Most of us eat too much, drink too much caffeine, alcohol or sugar.

We expect from ourselves and others, we want to succeed and feel loved. We often forget ourselves. Fasting gives us the opportunity to get to know ourselves and become quiet inside.

Fasting Diet Processes

The body tries to protect us from dangerous substances by setting it aside, surrounding it with mucous and fat so that it will not cause an imbalance or trigger an immune response.

The body copes with the toxin overload, up to a certain point - the point where sickness breaks out.

Detoxification through special fasting, cleansing diets and enemas is the best way to assist the body’s natural self-cleaning system.

It is especially important for immune diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes and chronic fatigue. However, even if our diet is good, a 'spring cleaning' can revitalize our system and rid our body of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.

How does the body nourish its vital tissues and sustains its vital functions during extended food abstinence?

Water is consumed to satisfy thirst. During the fasting diet, the body will systematically cleanse itself of everything except vital tissue.

In the breakdown of unhealthy cells, all essential substances are protected in a most extraordinary manner. 

Although the healthy cells may be reduced in size and strength for a time, they remain perfectly sound.

The body's nutritive materials are stored in the form of fat, bone marrow, glycogen, muscle juices, lacteal fluids, minerals and vitamins.

The healthy body maintains in store enough nutritive reserves to tide it over several days, weeks, or even over two or three months without food. This is just to say, that most of us will be perfectly fine fasting a few days or weeks. 

Both man and animals have shown that when the physical organism goes without food, the tissues are used in the inverse order of importance to the organism. The stored fat reserves are used up before any of the functioning tissues of the body are called upon to provide nutrients for the more vital tissues, such as the brain and nerves or the heart and lungs.

Underfeeding, in contrast to overfeeding, prolongs life and provides for better health. This is described in Hormesis - where 'controlled stress' (in this case: fasting or underfeeding) is beneficial to our health.

It is important to understand that starvation and fasting are very different stages of food abstinence.

To fast, is to abstain from food while one possesses enough reserves to nourish the vital tissues; to starve, is to abstain from food after these reserves have been used up, so that vital tissues are sacrificed.

Contrary to popular opinion, the vital tissues of a fasting organism, those tissues doing the actual work of life, do not break down the instant a fast is started.


Rest is a big factor in promoting recovery. When the body is at rest it is able to direct most energy towards the various processes of detoxification.

When fasting, a person experiences recovery at a rate that is quicker than normal. The body is ridding itself of toxins and excesses - using its own wisdom to healthfully reorganize itself in the cellular level.

As toxins are reduced, cell function is enhanced.

Most 'fasters' discover, that when they fast they have no hunger and more energy.

Since my first fast, I understand that I have the power and freedom to heal and take control of my health.

Please remember:

Fasting must be carried out intelligently, with proper precaution, and with common sense.

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