'Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.'
Leonardo DaVinci
How did everything get so complicated? It often happens unnoticed... we try to make everything fit into our busy lives... we try to master the art of 'multi-tasking'... and we are stressed-out!
We want to achieve... without 'wasting' time. Time. The clock... always present.
Let's stop for a moment, and take a look at our complicated and cluttered lives.
What will the things you do today, mean to you... let's say... a week from now?
What is really of importance?
What counts? Which are the moments to remember?
Are we fulfilled? Does our life have purpose and direction?
NOW - Not later!
The moments I am completely (100%) attentive and present in the moment. Completely there... playing with a child - and doing nothing else... completely here!
Now... not later!
Simplicity is a form of Art - a Philosophy of Life - ZEN
At work - doing my job - professionally - one task at a time - completely there and aware.
Being here, in the moment, 100%, brings freedom and lightness.
Letting everything else GO - and Being what we are doing!
We hold on to grudges, to memories, to things that revive memories, to past love, to schedules, etc...
Fear of letting anything go is a reason for our cluttered lives.
Fear is our challenge - it happens because we want it all - our need for being admired, doing well, being perfect... Super-men and women -
We want to have it all... and by this we loose. Loose clarity and the experience itself.
It is astonishing, that once we let go... we still achieve... much better than before... now, we can connect from a healthy, calm and clear place.
A very enjoyable place.
Simplifying life starts in our own immediate surroundings... our closet, our desk, the kitchen and bathroom... the way we work... our relationships and friendships.
It is one basic concept... and it can change everything in our life... it depends on how far we want to go...
You are the only one who is in charge.
You make the decisions and set the pace.
De-clutter... Organize!
Simplicity implies reducing...
So... look at your desk... what are the essential (real need) things you cannot do without?
Pen, paper... lamp... 3 trays – In/Out/Standby...(?) updated and re-organized weekly... and computer... (I guess it's essential now-a-days).
That's it.
For me anyway... the rest is clutter or procrastination – (also clutter... especially in the mind).
Go on... take a look at your closet... which clothes are you actually wearing? Waiting for that special occasion... when you'll be thin again... and the weather will be just right... and you'll really want to wear that dress you wore when you were... ahh... 20 years younger?
Get rid of the sentimental clutter... make room for new ideas... new feelings and for – simple choices.
You can go on... kitchen... all those utensils... you never use. OUT!
The floor... make space... create clarity.
Your environment affects you... this is your living space... your workspace... create an environment that calms and promotes focus on the ONE thing you intend to do.
ONE task at a time!
It takes some time to stop the multi-tasking mentality...
It has become 'normal' to do several activities at the same time. Well...
Do you want to simplify your life?
Stop doing this...
Think first – then do... and do it ONCE and do it completely and correctly. Get it done and off your 'desk' (mind).
Try to do only this one thing... don't think of what you will do next... while you're still busy doing this one thing.When done… enjoy! – For a minute…? You can take that moment...Think – Plan - Focus – Complete the task.
All areas of life will feel much better – when kept simple.
It's all a matter of the energy... the vibration we send out - and the vibration of our surroundings. When these vibrations are harmonious together - health and calmness are the result.
We can apply this principle to many areas of our life:
* Simplicity in the Home - Declutter!
Whether it's due to poor habits, a packrat spouse, or an advanced case of affluenza, too many home managers struggle under the burden of household clutter.
Time to de-clutter! But when you're peering over piles, mounds and stacks of stuff, it's hard to know where to begin and what to do.
* Our Time - Set Priorities...
Use your time effectively and avoid stress and rushing through life...
Being able to set priorities is the key to getting organised and making the most of your time.
But how do you set priorities for your day-to-day tasks and activities as well as specific action items for your goals in order to make sure you’re not letting anything slip through the cracks?
* Organize and Simplify the Budget - Money
Pay debts – get a grip on your budget – be aware and simplify your spending –
Whether you are married or single, taking control of the household finances can feel like a part-time job. Some simple tips can help you streamline your time, organize your finances, and reduce the stress of household money matters.
Take a close look at those thoughts... - 'pop-ups' – they too, need to be taken care of.
The concept of simplicity is an ongoing process. It can be developed and integrated into our daily life.
You will be amazed at how little a person really needs... and how refreshing and free the feeling of space –
uncluttered, uncomplicated, clean, clear space.
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