by Guy Finley
(Merlin, Oregon, USA)
Choose in favor of your freedom.
No one can be free who refuses to see what actually lives within him. This is why Real self-healing begins with Truthful self-seeing. There is no other order, no other way. Consciousness of any unwanted condition in us must precede its correction, just as the rising sun dismisses the fear hiding in the darkness of night. This is why we must learn that anything in us that does not want us to see the truth about our actual unenlightened condition is itself a part of what is punishing us. We can learn to do much better!
"The medicine is bitter, but it heals," said the late great author Vernon Howard when it comes to seeing the truth of our lives. If we would heal the hidden hurt in us then we must learn that the initial bitterness of self-truthfulness is the front-runner of our ultimate spiritual betterment. Our work is to concede to the bright prescription of Higher Self-Honesty regardless of how it "tastes" to us in those moments when we see ourselves as we are.
Here now are nine eye-opening facts about areas in our lives where we have chosen not to see what must be seen... If we would be Free. Choose in favor of your freedom. Choose to see!
1. We close our eyes to the fact that the imaginary value we have placed upon our life only holds up for as long as others don't disturb our dreams.
2. We close our eyes to the fact that wherever we go, and regardless of whom we meet, we still seem to run into the same conflicts and experience the same negativities.
3. We close our eyes to the fact that what we call being sorry for our bad behavior really just means that we don't want to be bothered anymore by those who have been troubled by our unpleasant manifestations.
4. We close our eyes to the fact we blame others for what we call their selfish insistence that we serve their interests when the real pain in such moments is but our own resentment over our cowardly inability to just say "No."
5. We close our eyes to the fact that in spite of all of the pain it causes us, and others, we still believe that we know what it means to be a "winner" in life.
6. We close our eyes to the fact that just because we have mastered hiding some character fault of ours doesn't mean that it has stopped hurting those around us who cannot avoid being subjected to it.
7. We close our eyes to the fact that we would rather have the company of known liars and betrayers than have to go through our life by ourselves.
8. We close our eyes to the fact that we will only inconvenience ourselves (especially when it comes to answering the need of others) as a means of avoiding what we see as being a greater pain: their complaints!
9. We close our eyes to the fact that crying for ourselves out of self-pity doesn't change one thing about the nature of the self that is the secret source of all these tears.
For extra swift healing study these friendly guides with the intention of welcoming their light. Remember that our work is to see ourselves through the eyes of Truth and then leave Truth to take care of the rest.
Guy Finley is the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living, and more than 40 books and audio albums on self-realization, including his brand new book The Secret of Your Immortal Self. Guy is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for self-study located in southern Oregon where he gives talks four times each week. Guy is a faculty member at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York and is a regular expert contributor to Beliefnet and the Huffington Post. Click here to visit the Life of Learning Foundation website and sign up for free to receive Guy’s 8-hour eCourse Seven Steps to Oneness" on 8 MP3 downloads.