Can The Color of A Sweater Change Our Lives?

by Writer Zena
(Michigan, USA)

Can The Color of A Sweater Change Our Lives?

Our world is made up with more than the people that we encounter everyday. And the elements that make our surroundings have wonderful effects on us. The colors around us are little known mind changing elements that most of us encounter with every waking moment. Office environments, bedrooms, non-faith based rehab and other various spaces are now taking advantage of how colors can change moods. Just as a certain object can evoke certain memories, feelings or moods can be inspired by the color that we see. Your favorite tea mug evokes a certain feeling of electricity or relaxation every time you see it there before you take a sip, before you even take a drink.

The color spectrum has its own effect on the smallest of creations. Bed bugs even have their own preference of colors when it comes to their ideal living environment. Even bed bugs have their own favorite colors, which are black and red. We have our own preference of colors based on personal taste, and for other, inexplicable reasons. Research neuroscientists have found what is called the “Blue Seven phenomenon”. Is it possible we all love the color blue unconsciously? The Blue Seven phenomenon suggests that color blue is consider a less threatening color across more than a 100 countries. It's a color that is considered safe by our brain’s fear zones.

It is amazing how color is interpreted by the human brain. The science of color has revealed that colors stimulate the brain’s amygdala. This is our region of the brain responsible for helping the process of complex functions including those relating to emotions, motivations, and addictive behaviors. Non faith based rehab has various therapies, including color therapy treatments. And the idea of the use of color therapies is not far-fetched. Natural and artificial lights have the full spectrum of colors. Light therapy is common form of color therapies that includes colorpuncture and color visualization exercises.

The research continues beyond why colors have a known physiological effect. The blend of biological and social conditioning is a popular theory. Green is known to having a calming effect on potential actors and performers, hence the “greenroom” used for daytime shows. What are the possible reasons behind this happening? Humans are programmed to gravitate toward anything that sustains their livelihood. Could it be that the color green activate the brain’s sensors of plush natural environments, full of nutrient harvests and bounty? The same principle have been found with other colors. Yellow is known to bring increased energy and focus, as it's associated with the sun, our main source of energy and light.

The brain is a complex organ. Science is forever conducting research to get a closer understanding of why and how we operate. We want to know the background behind our thoughts, emotions, behaviors and actions. As the case with innovative non faith based rehab and other health treatments, color psychology and therapies allow us to further manipulate our existence for the better.

Additional Sources:

Live Science: Time to Change Your Sheets? Bedbugs Have Favorite Colors

ScienceDaily: Amygdala

What’s Your Favorite Color Infographic?

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